JEI Workbooks
JEI's programmed workbooks are designed to be
self-learning and to make learning easy with three
key features: clear learning objectives, small steps,
and spiral structure.
JEI Learning Centre
Well-qualified instructors combined with a proven
method and low student to instructor ratio are
what makes JEI the best option for your child’s
educational needs.
Centre FAQs
JEI Programmes

- 1Encourage conceptual understanding through easy and small steps.
- 2Build a strong understanding of mathematical thinking upon all domains.
- 3Strive to build self-learning behaviour along with the programmed workbooks and diagnostic system.

- 1Grammar skills are introduced and practiced.
- 2The skill is incorporated in a short story.
- 3The same skill is practiced using the contents
from the short story.
Reading & Writing

- 1Foster reading comprehension, writing,
proofreading, and editing skills. - 2Explores various types of literary genres in
each grade level. - 34-week programme that progresses naturally with
the introduction of ten fiction and nonfiction books.
Problem Solving Maths

- 1Build basic skills of problem solving.
- 2Develop critical thinking and problem
solving strategies. - 3Features Common Core type questions.
Brain Safari

- 1Include seven major critical thinking
domains and two creative thinking domains. - 2Develop and enhance overall cognitive ability.
JEI News
- The importance of parent-teacher relationships and how to have them
- Must-have skill for children #6: writing vividly
- Education is not only about learning but also creating
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